What a beautiful smile, my love...

Sequoia and her favorite "big ball..." her favorite word at the moment. She would wake up from her nap and I would hear from saying, "big ball," through the baby monitor :-) Sooooooo cute!!!!!!

Gosh, her face just changes so much... sigh... Sequoia in Dec, 2008...

Sequoia in her swimsuit and twirling a yellow donut on her right foot... just like a little acrobat!!!

Sequoia chewing on her bottle whilst we dine at Thai Express on Mother's Day with Godma at the Esplanade!

Sequoia looking lovely in her ski jacket... champion skiier??? :-)

My baby is growing soooooo fast... she doesn't look like a baby no more :-(

Now you see it... Sequoia crinkling her nose the way I do... oh dear...

Now you don't :-) ....

Sequoia standing by the lampshade...

Sequoia with her French bandana

Sequoia has my bangle around her right thigh... soooooo cute!!!!

Sequoia wearing Ms. Smiley cap :-)