Hello, my dearest love, Sequoia...
Mommy has been so busy I have not had the chance to upload more photos or write about your antics....
Yesterday morning, you said, "garlic" and I was so shocked!!! How interesting you are, my dearest baby. You also said your first combo sentence... perhaps as expected since you have an unexplained love for balls of all sizes, you said, "where... ball?" It was hysterical to hear....
For weeks now, you have been showing me you know what a ball or a star is in real life vs in your story books.
Today, you did me proud! You actually showed me that you knew how to put two and two together for people as well. You've been doing that for weeks now... pointing to the ball in the storybooks and, thereafter, pointing to your balls littered around Ah Ma's living room :-)
You also pointed to your jigsaw stars and then pointed to the stars in your books... So, it was a surprise to me, that after all these weeks, you never pointed to yourself in the flesh as well as Mama's mobile phone photos and videos...
But lo an behold, when one least expects it, it happens...
You pointed to yourself in Mama's videos and photos many times and, thereafter, pointed to your face and your forehead.... you then pointed to Mama in the photo and video and then to me in the flesh...
Sigh... a mother lives for these moments!
May God continue to bless and protect you always, my little Boboletta! Mama loves you beyond words...