Friday 29 February 2008

Sequoia - September 15, 2007

Sequoia loves playing footy. She was kicking like crazy this week.

It felt almost like she was playing football inside of me. I could feel the patter of feet all over the left side of my tummy, somewhat like she was making her way from 12am to a 5am position :-)

Sequoia, gender not confirmed yet as she always has her legs crossed when I am having scans done, is an active lil bundle! The sonographers say it is weird that she won't "show" as I have scans done about 2x a month!

But she is a tough cookie! She started moving when she was about 26 weeks old! At first, I couldn't tell it was her moving. After all, this is the first time I am pregnant! I couldn't tell a foetus moving from a bedbug crawling on my skin :-) She always kicks me on the left side. I couldn't understand why. I asked the doctors and they told me that this was the case since I have a unicornuate uterus. Everything would be presented as experiences on the left side. They gave me a genuine smile and said, "it is good that she has progressed so far to date." I gave them an odd wry smile back and said quizzically, "everything on the left side?" "Yes, that's right," was their unanimous answer.

I only began to understand what they meant by this as the pregnancy progressed. I begun to feel more movements "on the left side." I also began to feel her kung foo strength kicks and karate style hand chopping movements inside of me. But all "on the left side!" I remember thinking to myself, "wow, this one is a real kicker! How does she manage to do it with all the limited space..." on the left side :-)

I am also learning to recognize her positions. For example, today, i think she had her head at the belly button position. I could feel a hardened surface area on the left side of the belly button. Hmmmm... how very interesting...

Last night, she kicked and moved for about 6 hours from 3am to about 9am. Man, I couldn't sleep but i didn't chastise her for it as i know now that her kicking is a great thing. It confirms that she is alive and doing A-OK! It has become a real comforting feeling to feel her move and kick. I enjoy it so much! She has her schedule as well! Every morning and evening! I would wake up each morning and look forward to her "good morning, Mom" kicks and movements. Then, when it came to twilight time, I would once again look forward to feeling her tell me, "Mommy, I love you... look at me, I am moving for you. I am dancing, shaking my butt, moving my hands to the song you are playing now... what's that called? Beyonce's "Everything To the Left" song? I want to see you soon and tell you I am doing OK in here. Don't worry about space! I may be hereditarily claustrophobic in nature but I will hang in here :-)" BTW, I am not kidding about the song. Sequoia really likes that song. Each time I play it, she starts to move. Both to the American & Spanish versions :-) Clever girl! Could she be a linguist already? :-)

Other baby updates... her heartbeat is very fast and according to the books, a girl's heartbeat is faster than a boy's. So, let's see.

Also, i notice that my blood pressure is consistently low and yesterday it showed up even lower so I am feeling a little scared. It was 80/50, which is really low, isnt it?

The other good news is that I am finally getting bigger and am beginning to look like a woman who is 6.5 months pregnant. I noticed last night that it was the first time that i couldn't really see below my stomach. I had been able to for many months. I am so truly happy. For months, although I was happily pregnant, few others could tell of my condition. I would sit on the bus or train and NO ONE would offer me a seat! Isn't it weird? When I finally asked a friend why this was so, they told me that "from the back and front, you don't really look pregnant at all!" Oh I see.....

I always thought I would make pregnant jokes about myself saying things like, "look out, wide load coming through...!" But so far, this was not the case.

Jokes aside, I was worried though. Sequoia was always below the fetal weight and size average, except for her long femurs (leg bones!). When I was having my bi-weekly scans done, I recall the sonographers always saying, "wow, she has long legs..." I feared I wasn't eating enough, not de-stressed enough, not happy enough...

But there wasn't much I could do. I will attempt to do a crash weight gain session starting next week and see if baby Sequoia grows more. Check back for more baby growth success stories :-) Hopefully. Fingers crossed!

I wish i had loads of funny stories to share about her but i guess this is about it for now :-)

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