Hello God, hello Universe, hello the whole world!!!! I have produced a mini me!!! Creation is really a miracle! It is surreal and amazing to see the resemblance. I used to say that I also wanted a mini me to my friends who are mothers. And now, thanks to the divine powers of the world, I get to savor the same wonderful experience ....ummmmm
Now, some April pictures and news....

Why is Mommy always sticking a camera in my face... :-)

Now she's making me do the Elvis grin... AGAIN... oh Mommy... :-) You really haven't managed to shake Elvis off, isn't it :-)
Yes, my dear Sequoia, Elvis has not left the building. He is very much ALIVE INDEED :-) When you grow up, you will understand the world's fascination with Elvis!
Well, let's see... Sequoia has her first giggle on April 4 and it is the most delicious high-pitched sound in the world. I wish I could upload it. It will send you into peels of laughter. She has such a melodic, high octave voice. It is like an angel singing (although she can't sing yet :-)
What else? Hmmmm.... She had her nails clipped for the 1st time by Aunty Selina using the baby nail clipper that Mommy's CJC friends sent to Sequoia! I was too scared to cut her nails for fear that I would cut too deep and make her bleed. So, I have been using a nail filer to do the dreaded job. But it seems that the nail cutter does really take the sharp edges away for a longer time period than a nail filer does. Why? Beats me!
Now for more pictures...

My dress tastes like....erh... a dress ???!!!

Sequoia holding Cinderella... she has learned to hold things in her own hands now... and for an impressively long time as well, I'd have to say...

Sequoia's starting to teeth... dribbles a whole lot... a photo memory of her teething gums :-)

Sequoia, in her white tracksuit, sitting in a car seat that is getting smaller by the day...

Sequoia's First Snow Fall...

Sequoia Looking at the White Fluffy Stuff...

Sequoia the Sumo Wrestler??? :-) Gosh, no offense to the profession but I hope not :-)

Baby Back Ribs :-) Sorry, Sequoia... Mommy couldn't resist it... you are just too precious for words!

Mommy & Sequoia...

Once again, my dearest Mommy & me...

Another sleeping position shot... and although you may notice the buttons bursting at the seam of my pretty baby-blue quilted jacket that Aunty Mirjam got me, I am NOT FAT! My newborn clothes are just getting too small :-)

And now...cutely curled, monkey feet :-) sigh...
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