May Flowers... Yes, indeed... the weather has been sunnier than ever in London. And Sequoia has been growing up fast and furious...

I have been trying to take photos of her nonstop, to document her life... here is a photo essay of some of the more significant events :-)

Sequoia has learned to suck two thumbs at the same time. I almost caught that on video! But alas, the timing was too short for me to do that. Naturally, I missed the photo op as well. It was such a precious sight to behold. It was as if she couldn't decide which thumb tasted better, or was juicer, and then at the very right moment, I saw her shove her two not-so-tiny-anymore thumbs into her little red-bud mouth... I hope she will do it again soon. This time, I will attempt to be ready!!!

Sequoia has also learned to do some serious finger pointing. Check out the photo for proof :-) I hate to imagine what she will be like when she grows up... finger pointing at everything and everyone around her :-) But, look how adorable she looks :-) I forgive her!
In reality, she is not finger pointing :-) She is actually sucking her finger as if she is making the shadow shape of a gun, thus the forefinger is pointing upwards. The other day, whilst sucking her thumb in this position, she poked the inner corner of her left eye with her left forefinger. Whilst it was hysterical to watch her do it on purpose, it did leave her with a red mark as her tiny finger nails seem to be growing nonstop :-) It must be all the calcium pills I am eating daily :-)

She has also been wearing a hair band. Why? Good question. She doesn't have much hair yet but I religiously try to put the hair band on her daily. Guama says that her ears are kinda sticking out like a lil flyin elephant, aka Dumbo :-), catchin the wind as the Chinese call it... so instead of paying £60 for some contraption to keep it back, I have found a cost-effective way of trying to keep it back and make it stay in place until the baby cartilege hardens a little and gives her permanently perfect ears :-) Oh, and the little beige flower clip helps to accentuate her features and takes the dullness away from the hair band... doesn't she look so cute???

Oh, yes, and my anjo has magician's eyebrows. Check it out... it flips upwards at the tail end of the eye brows! Wicked! She'll never have to put mascara on it like I do to make it look brushed outwards!!! Yeah!!! Oh, but her cafe au lait birthmark is still there. Oh well, she does look so cute with it tho :-)

Every Mommy thinks her baby is adorable and I am no exception... here's another photo of me and my Sequoia.

When I call her name, she actually turns and looks at me. Perhaps it is my voice that she recognizes. Perhaps at 4 months old she really does know her name, as the baby books suggest... either way, it is simply delightful to see her turn her neck towards me, looking at me lovingly (at least I think so. I hope so :-)...

Sequoia does a lot of the putting her hand under her chin thingy... as if she is contemplating about things, about life.... probably not, but behold the shots...

Errrhhhh.... hmmmm.... once again, what is Mommy doing?

Sequoia has learned to choke on purpose, just to make sure I come to her... At first, I was so scared and worried each time I hear her choke... but when i come close by, she is all smiles... the cheeky little monkey! Instead of saying positive things lately, I find myself saying "Don't do that!" to her all the time :-)

She also continues to sleep in funny, contorted positions, like when she did as a new born. I have captured yet another for our smiling pleasures :-) Behold, Princessa Sequoia...
But other than that, she still sleeps like a precious little baby. She kinda sleeps through the night now and only wakes for a tinsy short feed and then it's back to Dreamland almost instantly. Man, the sleeping power of breast milk and milk smell... Amazing... Oh my baby... my little Sequoia, lullaby, say goodnight... sweet dreams, my little anjo, Mommy's one and only Princessa... zzzzzzzz
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