Yes, google...
And, I also heard her say "ai yaaaaah..." just like that 3 days ago as well. Unbelievable!
My little anjo has finally learned to speak in complete baby coo sentences. And, she actually said, "google," one day and, "meow" a few minutes after. Her repertoire of sounds has increased six fold and she literally "speaks" or "complains" to me in full sentence galore! Her sentences sometimes last more than 1 minute! Isn't that perfect?! She has been like that for the past 2-3 weeks or so, since early March! Clever lil cookie!
Nowadays, we spend every morning having our happy "morning talk" for about 10 minutes or so. I will say something, then she will retort back. Then, I will venture an opinion on another topic. And, she will reply favorably, or not, in her little baby speak. What wonderful times to wake up to :-)
I am the super-elated, deliriously-happy Mom because I managed to capture a lot of it on video cam and mobile phone camera AND recorder! My favorite is the one when she and I have our "morning talk" and she keeps on laughing as part of a dialogue with me. It is about 2 minutes long and ooohhh sooooooooo precious...
Yay... !!! I really look forward to the future days when she and I will be able to watch it over and over and over again. Uh... did I say she? I guess I shouldn't mean Sequoia. She will probably think her Mom is in the Loony Bin and has gone loopy. I guess it will be Grandma and I watching these precious baby talk moments in later years, wondering how time flew and crept away before our very eyes :-) Sigh... Father Time... go away :-)

She would usually start by giving me a loud... "HUUUURH ... " Then it's verbal baby talk galore for a full 15 seconds or so. I would play along and say, "Babaly, bably boo... super girl... icky do do... erhh yi er... ei... yer... super lemon!" Don't ask me what I am saying or why these words come out of my mouth. I just know they do and I have captured my own madness in the video cam as well!

Now, how can I claim to understand what it all means? I don't!
It's simply that there is a clear pattern in her usage of words. For example, she uses, "hei burh..." in the mornings when she smiles her beautiful, "Good Morning, Mommy!" smile. She would also say "hei burh..." when I am changing her nappy, knowing that the activity will render her clean as a whistle in a minute! But she would lapse into this long, complaining type of baby speak if I "ignore" her for longer than she likes when I try to do some of my own things like check email, cook some food or make a cup of decaffeinated tea.
Interestingly, she doesn't "complain" when I show her pictures of the Princessa herself! And, I am not lying... she would actually laugh and smile when she sees herself on the computer screen. She also doesn't "complain" when I am writing in her web journal!Hmmmmmm... very interesting :-) Does she actually know??? :-)
Other times, she would talk long and tirelessly to me when I am talking back to her. "Google... ei... erh... yi... oohh....di... der..." she would say. I then continue in her language... "oopsy doopsy, loopy doopy, yucky bucky, butty butt...icky poo, do do yi ya oh... " I would say to her. And she would continue in our conversation with her own choice of words. Yes, indeed. This is how we communicate each day, ever since she discovered the power of baby talk!
So, the history of "hei burh" begins... I cherish these little dialogue sessions so much. I am so glad that the video cam was invented. I don't know what I would have done without it! I think all mothers in love with their babies should have one and 2 sets of batteries - one in the video cam, and other already charged and ready to go! :-)
Oh Sequoia... or, "Buuurhhrrrry" as I now call her, :-) Mommy is so enamored with you. You are one special anjo!
Dearest Karen,
Your daughter is so beautiful. It seems that all is going well and that you are really enjoying spending time with her ?
Lots of love,
Dear Sequoia,
Years from now, when you are old enough to understand things, you should know that your mommy has gone through much challenges to ensure your safe arrival to this world, and then care for you with all her heart and soul. To your mommy and Guama, you are their angel.....
Uncle Anthony
7 April 2008
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